Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Prayers Of The Saints

 I'm back folks. I haven't written anything in a very long time. But, now I am compelled, inspired and joyful to be able to write again. I have been in a dark depression for over a year. The enemy of my soul was trying to take me out of this world but, he is a liar and a trouble-maker and he did not get his way. God has plans for me to prosper me and not to harm me and give me a hope and a future according to Jeremiah29:11 and I will walk in that promise of God.

For some reason I have noticed that folks with prophetic gifts tend to lean towards depression. Elijah was one of those people. One day he was on Mt. Carmel slaying the prophets of bail and calling fire down from Heaven and the next day he was depressed and wanted to die but, God didn't rebuke him, he sent an angel to minister to him with food and was instructed to get some rest.

I tend to keep things to myself concerning my mental health. I have suffered greatly over the years with panic attacks and depression. I am on meds for those things now and am going to get a counselor to help me be able to talk about the things that are bothering me. Also I am back in women's ministry and have started to cook again. I hadn't cooked anything worthy of mention in the last 5 months. But, in the last few days after I finally admitted I was having a struggle and was in a major battle, the saints of God prayed and I experienced a total breakthrough. I feel better than I have in years and years. Glory and praise belong to our great God. According to the word of God He uses his saints to pray things into this eartJames 5:16

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. In other words the effective, hot prayer of a person in right standing with God gets the job done and let me tell you right now these prayer warriors immediately went to battle for me and I experienced immediate deliverance. God is faithful to His word and to His saints. I just want to humbly say a BIG thank you to all that prayed for me during this time of intense warfare. God is good all the time and I am grateful.

And it isn't a fake smile to hide the depression, it is a smile of deliverance and the joy of the Lord. All glory to our great God for His faithfulness.


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