Monday, January 2, 2017

Re-Reading His Love Letters

When I was in High School I had a boyfriend and we would write each other letters and although we didn't get to see each other as often as either of us would have liked, we had letters to read. We would read and re-read the letters because we wanted to remember every single word, every promise stated, every bit of information that the other had offered. I had those letters in order of date received with my OCD self and kept them safely put away so no one could harm them. I cherished those letters because they were from someone that I admired and loved.

Likewise,when I read God's word, I want to read and re-read it because I love the one that authored it,and I know that He loves me. I want to seek out those promises because I know that He is not a man that He would ever lie to me and so therefore I know that those promises are true. I commit them to memory because I need them to be in the forefront of my mind when I need to remember them or to state them to anyone that also needs to be reminded of them or when I am fighting a spiritual battle and need to use them as ammunition against the enemy of my soul.

The Bible is the story of God, and how much He loved us, is loving us and will continue to love us. Each book, each chapter, each story, each verse is all wrapped up in essence to express that love in some way. Through exhortation, correction, inspiration, information, which creates wisdom and helps to fortify our spirits. It helps us to grow in our love walk and to get farther down this road that leads to that Heavenly realm where our mansion awaits.

I don't like to make new year's resolutions but I will say that this year I am going to more intently search the scriptures for wisdom and understanding to bring more and more clarity on this walk with God. I am starting a Prayer Journaling group to help do just that. Through writing out scriptures, reading and meditating on His word coupled with prayer, I expect to see God's hand move in my life, in the lives of my family members, and friends, in this nation, in my neighborhood, in my state and in the nations of the world. Prayer is the only thing that really moves the heart and hand of God. Prayers prayed in faith believing that God is not only listening but acting on our behalf.

This new year I pray that we all draw closer to Him and as He promised, He will draw closer to us.

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