Friday, November 18, 2016

The View From The Father's Lap

Today it started raining and my little dog began to get really upset. Of course, as we all know, dogs can hear so much better than we can and for them it truly isn't always a blessing. Sounds are magnified and sound so incredibly scary to them. So, in these times when I see that my lil' Angel Baby is becoming distressed I pick her up and comfort her.

Today as the winds began to blow and get louder, I picked her up and began to talk to her. Oh baby girl, it's only the rain. The rain isn't going to hurt you, it is just a sound honey, it can't hurt you, come to me, and she came over to me and put her paws on my leg and I picked her up and as we both looked out the window of my third story bedroom window, I said see? see? it's just rain, it can't hurt you. I am here, see? we are way up here looking down on the rain and it can't hurt you and as I spoke comforting words to my sweet lil' canine companion, the Spirit of the Lord said to me, do you hear the words that you speak? yes Lord, I hear what you are saying to me. I am above it all, I am seated with you in Heavenly places and although right now I have some scary things happening to me, I know that I am in your lap, I can see over all of this and I know that you will not let anything harm me. I know that you love me, I know that you look beyond my faults and see my incredible and desperate need for you.

As the calming effects of these words washed over both me and my lil' Angel Baby. I began to sing to the Lord thank you, thank you, thank you God for allowing me to see over it all and to realize that you have not left me in the middle of my mess and you will forever love me and help me and defend and protect me. No matter what comes or goes, you are the one and only CONSTANT thing in my life. Jesus, lover of my soul, protector of my heart, I need you today more than yesterday. I will no longer try to be tough girl, and pretend as if nothing is wrong and that I am ok. I am not ok, but you are with me and you are in complete and total control and you know what is best for me. Sometimes on this faith walk you run into folks like the friends of Job that seem to think that if you are a person of faith that you shouldn't have bad days. That you shouldn't get concerned and for sure should never be sick or discouraged. They seem to think that it shows a lack of faith or that you have committed some terrible sin or you wouldn't be going through this. Oh my my no! I have faith for days. I have boxes of faith that have yet to be opened. I have a surplus of faith in this great God that I serve. Faith is not the issue, faith is not the problem. As far as the sin goes, if God brought something on me every time I sinned, I would already be worm dirt, real talk folks. No sometimes things just happen.

Sometimes in this life, we find ourselves in the midst of a storm that is just going to run it's course and that is all there is to it. I believe that I will come out on the other side of the storm in tact, ALIVE and well. I don't just have the kind of love for God that rejoices only in joy and triumph, I have the kind of love for God that knows that no matter what happens to me in this life, I will love Him and He will never stop loving me and He will always be right here with me, reaching down and pulling me to His lap, even if it's just to say, see? see? it's just rain, it's just noise, you are not in danger. I am here with you, I will not allow any harm to come to you. It's just rain, just noise, all is well............

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