Thursday, July 20, 2017

Cultivate Before You Operate

Before we can operate in the gifts of the Spirit, first we must cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is a learning, growing, disciplinary process. Then and only then can we operate successfully in a God pleasing way with our gifts. When we jump the gun and begin to operate in gifts that we possess without having them seasoned well with the word of God, much prayer and discipline, we will fall on our face. God is not impressed with our gifts, since He is the one that gave them to us.

God is not in awe of us and all that we can do. Who are we kidding? God is pleased with obedience, and a servant mindset that serves God and His people. I have watched so many people over the years do this and in watching them I have learned what not to do. I have been accused of not using my gifts enough. Well... I would rather hold back and make sure that God is really speaking and that God is really telling me to say something, than to jump out and do something and it end up being all me and not God. I do not want to dishonor Him in that way.

Operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is a serious thing and should not be taken lightly and used for show, for self-promotion or for personal gain. God is always watching us and He is keeping an account of who is being a good steward. Sometimes people think that being a good steward is just about tithing, giving offerings and giving alms to the poor. No, being a good steward also applies to any and everything that God has given to us whether it be housing, cars, clothing, friends, and yes the gifts of the Spirit. God wants us to honor Him with our gifts. To wait upon His signal to use them and to steward them well.

The word of God tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights up above. So, since they come from Him, we should always be mindful to use them to honor Him. Not to get caught up in the gift and remember who the Giver of the gift is. Honor Him, Respond to Him, Submit to Him and He will exalt you in due time.

Here is a good rule of thumb: 1. Check your root
2. Cultivate your fruit and finally 3. Then operate in your gift
Priscilla Hinds

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Not The Carb Tree!

Not The Carb Tree!

In the book of Genesis we find the story of Adam and Eve, and how God had placed them in this beautiful garden and how He had given them every tree to eat of except for the tree in the middle of the garden, which was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said if you eat of that tree you will surely die. What did they do? Well of course, they disobeyed God and ate of the very tree, the only one that they were not supposed to eat of. as I was talking with the Lord about this weight loss journey He said very clearly to me that this journey has similarities to this story. You see when I eat carbs it blows me up like a blow fish and I get HUGE. That is my tree, I am not supposed to eat of. I have all of the lovely proteins fish, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, shrimp, etc and all of the lovely vegetables zucchini, celery, bell peppers, onions, mushroom, kale, spinach, etc and all of the lovely fruits, in moderation, mind you ,apples, oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, etc but what do I want to do? I want to fill up on the carbs! The very thing that my body does not need to touch!

Does anyone get what I am saying? We have to learn what our bodies need nutritionally. Are we lacking in minerals, vitamins and nutrients? Are we iron deficient? Are we magnesium deficient? We need to know these things and eat accordingly for a more healthy lifestyle, that will be helpful to us and pleasing to God. When He designs us to eat all of the good things and we decide to eat only sugary fake things and starchy bready things and never touching the good things that He has provided, that is like a slap in His face. He designed and created our bodies and He has given us information and wisdom to know how to take care of them.

 I am researching and seeking out health professionals to help me to be the best me that I can be and I will pass on that info to you with gladness. It is time to let the carb tree alone and eat from the fruit and vegetable and protein tree! Can I get an Amen? I know this might sound like a weird analogy but this is exactly how God gave it to me, and now I give it to you. We can do this together. We can learn to train our bodies to eat what is best for it and to shun what is not good for it. We can train our bodies to eat fat and burn fat.

 When we eat carbs our bodies blow up, retain water, cause us to have pain, swelling, cause us to be over emotional and all sorts of things come on us. But when we eat good proteins, fruits and vegetables and drink good clean water and other healthy things our bodies will burn the food that we eat for energy and it will store the nutrients in our cells to make us stronger and healthier day by day. I am so grateful that God has given me helpers and partners to come along with me on this journey. I have lain down any shame or self-consciousness about this weight loss journey to help me and to help you. I love you all and I say let's do this!!! We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength!

Priscilla Hinds